IWC Replica Salutes Pallweber 150th IW505002

IWC Pallweber Replica

2018 is the 150th anniversary of the IWC brand. This year IWC’s new watchmaking center in Schaffhausen, Switzerland was completed and put into use. In the same year, IW505002 of IWC replica salutes Pallweber was born. Let’s revisit this classic IWC watch.

Replica IWC Salutes Pallweber 150th IW505002

Why Pallweber

The first pocket replica IWC watches in history were made by IWC in 1868. IWC’s earliest pocket watch collection is Pallweber. Pallweber pocket watches are from Austrian watchmaker Josef Pallweber. In 1883 Josef Pallweber patented this pocket watch and granted it to IWC. Although he also licensed Pallweber to other watch brands, IWC Pallwebers is best known. Pallweber was really popular at first, but people started getting bored over time. Four years later, IWC Pallwebers was officially discontinued in 1887. IWC Pallwebers was reproduced in 2018 for salutes Pallweber. IWC thanked him more while reviewing history.

Design Of Pallweber

In 1883

IWC Replica Salutes Pallweber IN 1883

Of course, in 1883, IWC Pallweber was a pocket watch with a digital display. IWC Pallweber is not a traditional pointer pocket watch. There are three holes in the center of the dial. There is a circle at 12 o’clock. The number in this circle represents the hour. There is a rectangle directly below the circle. There is a small rectangle on the left and right inside the rectangle. The combination of the left and right numbers is the minute. The hand jumping at six o’clock is second. And 45mm diameter IWC Pallweber is only 12MM thick. IWC Pallweber at the time used the mysterious “Elgin” movement. I don’t know much about this movement, so I won’t say much. We continue to watch IW505002 from IWC Salutes Pallweber.

In 2018


IWC Replica Salutes Pallweber 150th IW505002

IWC Salutes Pallweber IW505002 has a high degree of reduction. The 150th anniversary of Pallweber is similar to the 1WC IWC Pallweber. Of course, the 150th anniversary of Pallweber has changed from a pocket watch to a watch. However, the design style remains the same as before. The biggest difference is the removal of the pull ring on the crown. Replica IWC Pallweber IW505002 has a large dial-45MM. But it is only 12mm thick. So this 150th-anniversary fake watch is perfect for the wrist.


IWC Replica IW505002 DIAL

The 2018 IWC Pallweber has the same features set in the same three locations on the dial. But the rectangle showing minutes becomes a combination of two circles. The round minute window echoes the round hour and second. Three round windows (hours, minutes and seconds) make this Pallweber look more minimalistic. And 2018 Pallweber surrounded three windows with two lines. The dial is filled with rounds of various sizes and types. The white dial and black crocodile strap show the most classic black and white combination.


IWC Replica Salutes Pallweber 150th IW505002 MOVEMWNT

IWC Replica Salutes Pallweber’s fake watch uses NO.94200 movement. NO.94200 movement has a pretty good 60-hour power reserve. Since the beating hours and minutes require a lot of energy, this movement has two different springs and gear trains. Fortunately, you can see both gears through the transparent bottom cover. Unfortunately, the Pallweber with a rose gold case and white dial only produced 250 pieces.

IWC Replica Salutes Pallweber IW505002 is a watch with a simple design but a complex movement. He has attracted many loyal fans and new buyers of IWC. But due to the limited number, many people left regrets. Of course, you can also buy a perfect replica watch here.