Three Representative Replica Rolex Cellini Watches

Rolex Cellini Dual Time 50525 Replica

In 2014, Cellini was born with the traditional shape of a round case. Cellini cites old Bubbleback timepieces, so this series of watches have a retro charm. In the beginning, Cellini only had three watches, only chronograph (3 hands), date and dual hour. Then Moonphase appeared in 2017. Next, I will introduce the most representative replica Rolex Cellini Watches among these models.

Rolex Cellini Date 50519 Replica

Rolex Cellini Date 50519 Replica

Replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519 was born in 2014. It comes with a 39MM 18k white gold case. This best replica watches is 12.5 mm thick. My favorite is this replica Rolex Cellini watch with a blue dial. The dial is made of a complex guilloché surface. A date dial is placed at three o’clock. This date window is not a Cyclops, but a date dial that displays numbers from 1 to 31 at the same time. This Cellini Date 50519 comes with an elegant blue alligator strap. Replica Rolex Cellini Date 50519 is the most representative watch in the Cellini Date series.

Rolex Cellini Dual Time 50525 Replica

Rolex Cellini Dual Time 50525 Replica

The case of the replica Rolex Cellini Dual Time 50525 is made of 18k Everose gold. It was born in 2016. This replica Rolex Cellini has a double-stepped bezel with a coin-shaped silhouette at the top. My favorite is this Ref.50525 with brown dial and rose gold case. Because it’s a warm tone. The second time zone dial is located at six o’clock. And it also provides day and night indication in dedicated windows. Ref.50525 with a brown dial is more lively and elegant than the white or black version. Therefore, I think this is the most representative watch in the Cellini Dual Time series.

Rolex Cellini Moonphase 50535 Replica

Rolex Cellini Moonphase 50535 Replica

Rolex Moonphase doesn’t offer many options, it is the only replica Rolex Cellini Moonphase 50535 born in 2017. The case is made of 18k rose gold. The dial is made of smooth white paint and the print is very clear. Its date is located on the outermost circle of the dial and is indicated by blue hands. This feels unusual, but it sets a border between the date and minute tracks. The highlight of this replica Rolex Cellini watch is the six o’clock blue Moonphase. Due to the use of rhodium-plated materials, the full moon showed an amazing silver color. Cellini Moonphase is actually a watch with outstanding performance.

Cellini is neither an ultra-thin watch nor an ultra-small watch, but it wears very well. The 39 millimeter is right between the small dress watch and the large sports timepiece. Moreover, they still contain Rolex automatic movements. If you don’t like the monotonous 3 hands Cellini, then the replica Cellini watch with Date or Dual Time or Moonphase is your better choice. No matter which one you like, you can buy it at hontwatch.