Difference Between Rolex Dive Watches Replica

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Rolex watches play different but professional roles in different industries. We can see the existence of Rolex watches in different fields. For example, Explorer invented for explorers, Sky-Dweller invented for pilots, and GMT-Master for long-distance travelers. Especially Submariner, Sea-Dweller, Deepsea made for divers. Today’s protagonist is these three Rolex diving watch series.

Time Of Birth

Submariner, Sea-Dweller, Deepsea, this is the birth time of the three Rolex diving watch series.


Submariner was born in 1953. This is the world’s first dive watch with a water resistance of 100 meters. The first Submariner watch replica was made entirely of stainless steel. It is worth mentioning that Submariner Date was added in the late 1960s. The difference between Submariner and Submariner Date is apart from the Cyclops at three o’clock, but also the difference between luxury and classic. Because the gold used by Submariner Date makes it more luxurious. And the stainless steel that Submariner has always adhered to reflects its classic.


Sea-Dweller is a series created by the collaboration between Rolex and COMEX. The first Sea-Dweller watch was born in 1967. And it has a HEV device and a waterproof depth of 600M. In fact, Sea-Dweller’s progress is also fast. Because 10 years later, Sea-Dweller has a waterproof depth of 900M.


Rolex’s latest diving watch series is the Deepsea, which debuted in 2008. It has an amazing diving depth of 12,800 feet. A gradual D-Blue dial that is representative of the Deepsea series. This is in honor of James Cameron breaking the Mariana Trench diving record.

Size And Water Resistance

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Of the three Rolex dive watches, Submariner has always maintained a 40MM case. The most comfortable size and the most styles make Submariner have the most fans. Submariner not only has the smallest case, but also the thinnest case, 12.8MM. So Submariner also has a large number of female fans. For example, the hottest replica Rolex Submariner 116610LV. In the development process, Submariner increased the waterproof depth to 300M.

replica Rolex Sea-Dweller 126603

Sea-Dweller is centered in thickness and also in size. In 2017, the size of Sea-Dweller was expanded from 40MM to 43MM. Such as replica Rolex Sea-Dweller 126603. Currently, it is water-resistant to 1,200M. Until 2019, Sea-Dweller only needs stainless steel watches. But after that, Sea-Dweller added a new version of gold and steel.

replica Rolex Deepsea 126660

Deepsea has larger and thicker dimensions. It has a 44MM dial with a thickness of 18MM. Deepsea has only two color dials, black and D-Blue. And they are all made of stainless steel. For example, the replica Rolex Deepsea 126660 in 2018.

Helium Valve And Bottom Cover

Because Submariner has the lowest water resistance, it does not require a helium valve. The other two dive watch cases can be read on the left side of the helium valve device. There are also some differences in the bottom covers of the three Rolex dive watches. For example, Submariner’s caseback has no lettering. The middle part of the Deepsea bottom cover is titanium alloy.

Both Submariner and Sea-Dweller, and Deepsea occupy different positions in the field of diving watches. Although they are diving watches, they cannot be replaced with each other. It is worth mentioning that you can buy all replica watches of the Rolex brand, including Rolex dive watches, at www.hontreplicawatch.me.